Harbourside LAC - NSW Police Force

A safe and secure NSW. We encourage contributions to this page, but please do NOT report crime here.

The address above is for the North Sydney Police Station. There are two police stations within this LAC.

Mosman Police Station
96 Bradleys Head Road
Mosman 2088
Phone: 02 9969 1933

Please note that this site is for information only. If you wish to pass on information about a crime, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 (Australia only) or report online at - https://www1.police.nsw.gov.au/crime_report

In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000).

Users of this site must not post or upload any content or links that are unlawful, or may defame, discriminate, offend, interfere with privacy or infringe copyright or other intellectual property rights.

Third party sites or profiles linked to this site are not controlled, maintained or endorsed by the NSW Police Force (with the exception of www.police.nsw.gov.au).

To the extent permitted by law, the NSW Police Force is not responsible or liable for any content posted on or uploaded to this site by a user or any content on third party sites linked to this site.

Please note that this site is for information only. If you wish to pass on information about a crime, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 (Australia only) or report online at - https://www1.police.nsw.gov.au/crime_report

In an emergency, always call Triple Zero (000).

Users of this site must not post or upload any content or links that are unlawful, or may defame, discriminate, offend, interfere with privacy or infringe copyright or other intellectual property rights.

Third party sites or profiles linked to this site are not controlled, maintained or endorsed by the NSW Police Force (with the exception of www.police.nsw.gov.au).

To the extent permitted by law, the NSW Police Force is not responsible or liable for any content posted on or uploaded to this site by a user or any content on third party sites linked to this site.

Breaches of these terms of use, will see posts, comments deleted and persons may be banned from the page.

Government organization